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The latest articles on Social Media News, such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube and Technology News, Plus more from The Official blog for JordanTBH.
My Downloads allows easy access to your downloads list. It's awesome for those who forget the Chrome shortcut keys more features coming soon.
Introducing the SwagBucks NewTab Launcher for It's free and available to download now on the Google Chrome web store.
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A countdown to the release of Rockstar's GTA V for next gen consoles - The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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A Nintendo Mario Theme for the Google Chrome web browser. Supports both Windows and Mac OS X.
in your address bar and click the Developer Mode button on the right side of the header. From there, you should see the "Update Extensions Now" button pop right up. Why it's hidden away as a developer feature we're not sure, but if your favourite extension updates and Chrome hasn't caught up, that's where you'll force Chrome to pay attention.